

So my car is a little sick and I'm taking him to the doctor this week....
I've persuade my friend to drive me to work. :)
My friend's car door doesn't like me! apparently it doesn't like girls...

Even with my Docs I wasn't able to open it...  like mostly all the doors in New York City ... you know the way you have to giggle your key a certain way or thumb it a little... So silly really...
Anyway today I'm wearing a vintage dress a present from my good friend Grace
from Grace land — http://inspirations-in-graceland.blogspot.com/

I love my lazer craved Rose Vine Docs. I have them for about 3 years.... I get so nervous because there bright white and the second time I wore them some girl at L.A. Fashion Week spill a glass of Red wine on them. It took forever to clean them, it took a lot of club soda and cleaner to take the stains off. Dumb drunk girl.


1 comment :

-Grace said...

...And you are way cute in it!! Thanks for the nod:)

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